The small w-h podengos (entried 24 pcs) were judged by Irina Poletaeva (FI).
BOS Gerseme's Caramelon Carlito / BOB Irezumi Vinho Branco |
Hirsituvan Kulkuri EXC-1, CQ, HeJW-12
Males / intermediate class:
Beoline Leopardo EXC-1, CQ, BM4, res-CAC
Marella Lago EXC-2, CQ
Penni Do Vale Do Juiz VG-3
Males / open class:
Smaughterer's Boreas EXC-1,CQ, BM2, CAC, res-CACIB, FI CH
Males / champion class:
Gerseme's Caramelon Carlito EXC-1, CQ, BM1, CACIB, BOS, HeW-12
Mimoso Do Vale Juiz EXC-2, CQ, BM3
Males / veteran class:
Faidros Honesto EXC-1, SA, BOS veteran, He Vet W-12
Sandeisan Caramelo EXC-2
Bitches / junior class
Malagueta do Vale Negro EXC-1, CQ, CAC, BB2, HeJW-12
Sandeisan Indomita VG-4
Smaughterer's Revolution EXC-2
Olimpia Do Vale Negro VG-3
Bitches / intermediate class:
Sandeisan Iguaria EXC-1
Bitches / open class:
Caramelon All About Me EXC-2, CQ
Jahanian Ela Morena EXC-1, CQ, res-CAC
Bitches / champion class:
Caramelon Here I am Dixon EXC
Irezumi Vinho Branco EXC-1, CQ, BB1, CACIB, HeW-12, BOB
Irezumi Vinho Verde EXC-3, CQ, BB4
Sandeisan Encanta Absent
Smaughterer's Artemis EXC-2, CQ, BB3, res-CACIB
Ximena Do Vale Negro EXC
Quadrilha Do Vale Negro EXC-4, CQ
Veteran class:
Hirsituvan Kanerva EXC-1, CQ, BOB veteran, He Vet W-12
Breeder class:
Kennel Sandeisan was not shown
9.12.2012 FINNISH WINNER 2012
The small w-h veteran podengos (2 pcs) were judged by Kirsi Honkanen (FI). The rest of the small w-h podengos (14 pcs) were judged by Gunnel Holm.
BOS Smaughterer's Boreas / BOB Irezumi Vinho Branco |
Marella Lago EXC-2
Penni Do Vale Do Juiz EXC-1
Males / champion class:
Smaughterer's Boreas EXC-1,CQ, BM1, CACIB, BOS, FI W-12
Irezumi Abrigo De Vento VG-4
Irezum Nascer Do Sol EXC- 3
Mimoso Do Vale Do Juiz EXC-2, CQ, BM2, res-CACIB
Males / veteran class:
Faidros Honesto EXC-1, SA, BM3, BOB veteran, FI Vet W-12
Sandeisan Caramelo VG-1
Bitches / Junior class :
Malagueta Do Vale Negro EXC-1, CQ, BB3, CAC, FI JW-12
Smaughterer's revolutions VG-3
Olimpia Do Vale Negro EXC-2, CQ, BB4, res-CAC
Bitches / Champion class:
Caramelon Here I am Dixon EXC-2, CQ, BB2, res-CACIB
Irezumi Vinho Branco EXC-1, CQ, BB1, CACIB, BOB, FI W-12
Irezumi Vinho Verde EXC-4
Smaughterer's Artemis EXC-3
Ximena Do Vale Negro VG
Breeder class:
Kennel Irezumi 1st
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